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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Makeover conversation (gothic into professional look)

khansha hanak

A = hi, i need a help from you to style my friend, vince frazier. I think he needs professional looks, he’s an english teacher.
B = okay, we start from his hair. He should get his hair trimmed . A professional  teacher should has nice haircut.
A = But he’s a part time model too. He needs to be stylish.
B  = i suggest the hipster haircut, It’s professional and stylish. This haircut play with the long hair at the top side and shave at the undercut.
A  = he should try that. what about his clothes ? he loves wearing black and T-shirt
B = black is cool but it’s too dark. He should try another colors and wears shirt not T-shirt
A = do you think his shoes are good ?
B = Well, as a teacher he has to wear pantofel(slippers with closed toes).
A = wow, that’s a good advice. But, you must give him advice about his accessories. Do you think he has to wear them all.
B = No, he doesn’t need accessories. Maybe a suitcase and a classic watch are enough.
A = Thanks a lot, professional looks  will help him with his work !
we should makeover him !
source : google

khansha hanak / Author & Editor

Just a little girl in a big world.


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