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Monday, August 25, 2014

Mandi Balimau

khansha hanak
Hi guys ! I'm back ! Now i want to share about one of indonesia's unique ceremony.

Mandi Balimau in West Sumatra, is a celebration for a Moslem to celebrate the Ramadhan month. the ritual is for cleaning the soul and praise to the god. Mandi Balimau takes place in the limbung's riverbed, Jada Bahrein village, at the end of Sya'ban month.
On the D-Day the ceremony participants should wear clothes with six colors (white, green, red, yellow, black, and grey). But before the D-Day, they visit their ancestors. The leader of the ceremony also makes a special potion to wash the participant's body. After they finished washing the body, they go to a musholla (
a little mosque for Moslem) and and they bring foods to eat together.
source : google
That's all i know about "Mandi Balimau", i'm sorry that's only a few summary from alot of sources.

khansha hanak / Author & Editor

Just a little girl in a big world.


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